Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Hot news….

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

I’m so tempted to shout about something I cannot shout about! Believe me when I say ‘hot news’.
People local to Hemel Hempstead will find out first as I am sworn to secrecy until published in the local papers….


Day Two at Woburn Garden Show

Monday, August 20th, 2012


Day Two started slowly-guests arrived in dribs and drabs between 10am and Midday with only a few customers. Throughout the afternoon was a steady flow and many people tasting. Our ‘The Evil One’ coming into its own today being the most popular sauce for most of the day until
‘Alchemy’ and ‘Jekyll’ had late rushes. ‘Jekyll’ then sold out-nice-those Great Taste Stickers work a treat!

Thank you to the lady who suggested a stockists section on the website-it’s been updated.

Looking forward to next weekend where we’ll be exhibiting at the Woburn Sands Frosts Garden Centre where they have the chilli festival!

See you there..

Day One at Woburn Garden Show

Sunday, August 19th, 2012


So day one was quite quiet however we still managed to tempt in the crowd. Best seller of the day went to Jekyll or Hyde having recently been awarded the 2 gold stars at the Great Taste Awards! Closely followed by Alchemy on its first outing! Blaze of Glory was not ready in time so will feature next week at Woburn Sands Chilli Festival.

As ever, even in the heat, the chocolates were still popular as ever.

Was nice to see fellow traders Bim’s Kitchen, Devils Dynamite, Capsicinoia, and Cambridge Chilli Farm!

Off again for day two now…..

Woburn Abbey

Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

We’ll be at the wonderful Woburn Abbey this weekend where Frosts garden centres are hosting an event which we were lucky enough to be invited to!

We’ll be sampling all our chocolates, rapeseed oils, sauces and our two newest products – Alchemy and Blaze of Glory

These will not be the final recipes, just 60 bottles of Alchemy and 40 jars of Blaze of Glory mustard-so come early, have a taste and remember-don’t fear death-fear the reaper…

Funding Application

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Well we have been trying since March to get £500 from Paypal via Enterprise Nation. Our friends Chillilicious in Scotland let us know about the site. Since then, the site has grown in popularity and has become increasinly difficult to get votes on. Basically, they give away 5 grand a month, however if that happens on day one (as it did in April and May), voting closes. It didn’t even open in June, or hasn’t yet!

So here’s the deal, we re after £500 to get the website done (which I have spent 3 months doing myself!) and for a gazebo for the show circuit (we have yet to get, but we got a nice banner coming!).

Here’s the link, we’ll update via Twitter and Facebook pages once open, and of course here;


The Reaper…

Link back to shop

Friday, June 8th, 2012

I have yet to figure out a good way back to the shop, the tab should still be open if you arrived via the shop, but if not, click the link above and happy shopping!

The Reaper…